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My Favourite Books

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Books I Love

Reading is one of my favourite things to do. Nothing makes me happier than sitting down with a great book and immersing myself in it’s world of wisdom and wonder.

My areas of interest are psychology, spirituality, personal development, Lean, business, marketing and entrepreneurship. I have read many wonderful books that each in their own unique way have changed my life for the better. 

Below is a list of books I love, maybe you’ve read some of these or maybe you’ll put them on your to read list. Either way I’m sure they will transform your life in a positive way just as they have done for me

I start this list with my Top 5 books of all time. These are books that I read over and over again and with every reading I find new wisdom, new learnings and a new view on the world. 

My Top 5 Books 

The Power Of Now by Eckhart Tolle  








The Power of Now is my favourite book of all time and has been since I first read it over 10 years ago. 

The first time I read this book I didn’t really understand it, however what I did understand was that there was a very powerful message in the book. Each subsequent reading has brought a deeper understanding of the simple principle that Eckhart teaches – there is only the Now, there never was and never will be anything other than the Now.

Eckhart explains the past is gone, the future isn’t here yet and so all we have is this present moment. This is where we should focus our mind & our efforts –  in this the present moment. 

I listen to the audio version of The Power of Now every 3 months and it keeps me focused on the Now. Without a doubt, this is the best and most powerful book I have ever read or listened to.

If you haven’t read this book I suggest you buy it, read it, study it, give it the time it deserves and live the teachings, it will transform your life. 


The 7 Spiritual Laws Of Success by Deepak Chopra








This is a most beautiful book by one of the world’s leading spiritual teachers Deepak Chopra. 

If you want success in your life then buy, read and implement the teachings of this beautiful book.

This is a short book at just 118 pages. It is easy to read and understand yet the simplistic and powerful teachings will take a lifetime to implement. 

These are the 7 Spiritual Laws of Success outlined in Deepak’s book,

  1. The Law of Pure Potentiality: Take time to be silent, to just BE – silently witness the intelligence within every living thing, practice non-judgment. 
  1. The Law of Giving: Keep wealth circulating by giving and receiving care, affection, appreciation and love. 
  1. The Law of Karma: Every action generates a force of energy that returns to us in like kind. Choosing actions that bring happiness and success to others ensures the flow of happiness and success to you. 
  1. The Law of Least Effort: Accept people, situations, and events as they occur. Take responsibility for your situation and for all events seen as problems, relinquish the need to defend your point of view. 
  1. The Law of Intention and Desire: Inherent in every intention and desire is the mechanics for its fulfillment. Make a list of desires, trust that when things don’t seem to go your way, there is a reason. 
  1. The Law of Detachment: Allow yourself and others the freedom to be who they are. Do not force solutions – allow solutions to spontaneously emerge, uncertainty is essential, and your path to freedom. 
  2. The Law of Dharma/Purpose: Everyone has a purpose in life, a unique gift or special talent to give to others. When we blend this unique talent with service to others, we experience the ecstasy and exultation of our own spirit, which is the ultimate goal.

Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl









Man’s Search for Meaning is a classic and one of the best and most impactful books ever written. 

Viktor Frankl was a holocaust survivor who lost everything in Auschwitz during World War II. As awful and inhumane as his conditions were, the message from Viktor’s book isn’t one of fear and loss. 

Viktor’s message is one of hope and resilience and the ability to find meaning in life, no matter the circumstances. 

Viktor, through his personal story and strength of character teaches us that no matter what the situation is, no matter how hard things get, no matter what is taken away for us in this physical world we still have, in Frankl’s own words 

the last of the human freedoms—to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way’

This book reminds us that things can always be worse and no matter what we lose, we never lose the ability to choose how we feel about and react to our circumstances.

Is there any greater meaning in life than to choose one’s own attitude and one’s own way? 

This book is only 154 pages long but on every reading it will bring deeper wisdom and a more profound connection to meaning in our lives. 

Extreme Ownership by Jocko Willink & Leif Babin








To say I adore this book is a huge understatement. It is, by far, the best, most profound, most exciting, most down to earth book I have ever read on leadership. If you want to learn about the real meaning of leadership and become a better leader read this book.

Jocko starts this incredible book by explaining that this is not an individual’s glorified war story but it is indeed ‘all about the team’. 

The focus on teamwork is evident from the beginning of this book, throughout every chapter right up to the last word. Jocko explains as ‘Seals they operate as a team of high calibre, multi-talented individuals who have been through perhaps the toughest military training and the most rigorous screening process anywhere. In the Seal program, it is all about the team, the sum is far greater than the parts’. Jocko goes on to say ‘we call ourselves team guys’.

We are given a glimpse into the fine characters of these great leaders Jocko Willink and Leif Babin as they explain that they wrote the book to capture and pass on the leadership lessons they had learned on the battlefield and through their work with civilian business’s so that such crucial lessons may not be forgotten or need to be relearned or rewritten. 

Jocko and Leif wrote this book for leaders everywhere so they may use the principles they share to lead and win.

Even with all of their accomplishments, experience and knowledge, Jocko and Leif remain extremely humble which is hugely admirable. This humility is evident as they explain they ‘continue to learn and grow as leaders every day and that they pass on these leadership lessons not from a pedestal or a position of superiority but from a humble place where the scars of their failings still show’.

What I loved most about this book is the fact that the leadership lessons shared through their incredible experiences are so simple. With all the complications, complexities and dangers of war, the lessons shared are ones we can all learn from and apply.

The leadership basics of solid, clear and consistent communication, keeping everything simple, effective teamwork, planning, planning and more planning, prioritisation, accountability and courage are woven into all of the fascinating true-life stories that Jocko and Leif tell. All told with the one over arching principle in mind that, 

The single most important factor on the battlefield or in business is leadership.

I cannot recommend this book highly enough and if you’re a fan of audiobooks it’s narrated by the authors which is always a treat!

Here is my book review on this brilliant book – Extreme Ownership.


The Shift – From Ambition to Meaning by Dr Wayne Dyer (RIP)








Dr Wayne Dyer RIP is one of my favourite authors and spiritual teachers. Wayne has written 34 books, each of them jam packed with heaps of wisdom, guidance and deep truth but this book is one of his greatest works. 

The Shift is about moving from being led by your ego to being guided by your soul,

  • From doing to being
  • From striving to thriving
  • From problems to possibilities
  • From attachment to freedom

This is a short book at 149 pages but like all of Dr Wayne Dyer’s brilliant books, the wisdom on each page can last a lifetime! 

If what you are doing isn’t working for you and you want more meaning in your life, I highly recommend From Ambition to Meaning. 

Wayne Dyer explains his wonderful book in the following words,

‘As we contemplate leaving the morning of our life, where ego has played a commanding role, and entering the afternoon (and evening), where meaning and purpose replace ambition and struggle, we may encounter unexpected occurrences that accompany this new direction.

It’s almost a universal law that we’ll experience a fall of some kind. Yet these falls or low points provide the energy we need to move away from ego and into a life of meaning and purpose.

The Shift doesn’t mean that we lose our drive and ambition; it signifies that we become ambitious about something new. We make a commitment to living a life based on experiencing meaning and feeling purposeful, rather than never-ending demands and false promises that are the trademark of the ego’s agenda’ Dr Wayne Dyer

My Favourite Books on Finance

If you are looking for some excellent books on finance I highly recommend the following,








How To Be Good With Money by Eoin McGee

This is a super book that would financially benefit everyone if it was taught in school. Eoin is all about getting the financial basics right then building on them to work towards and achieve financial freedom. Eoin explains all elements of personal finance in an easy to understand, no jargon way which makes this book such an enjoyable read.

Eoin is a super guy to follow on Instagram and he does a Q&A every week which is really helpful. Eoin also runs his own financial consultancy Prosperous, where you can take advantage of those who know best in the financial world to improve your finances.







Money – Master the Game by Tony Robbins 

This book goes into finance in great depth. Finance is not my favourite subject and so I skipped a few chapters as I didn’t enjoy or understand them. Listening to this on audible made this easy to do. As well as chapters I didn’t understand there were chapters that I loved and listened to over and over again. 

Chapter 8 is one of the chapters I loved. It is all about financial freedom and it is worth buying this book for this chapter alone. Tony walks through the simple steps of financial freedom and explains really well how it’s not as difficult to achieve as you may think.

This is an excellent book for those who want to dive a bit deeper into finance and financial freedom.







Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill 

Think and Grow Rich is a literary masterpiece first published in 1937. It’s as much a book about success and manifestation as it is about money. Napoleon Hill’s storytelling is unique and captivating and his 13 step formula for success is easy to understand – implementation takes a bit more work!

This is the type of book that you can read over and over again as you go deeper and deeper into the wisdom shared by Napoleon Hill.

A must read for anyone serious about financial freedom!







Mindset by Carol Dwecke

I truly believe that having a growth mindset is the first step to reaching financial goals. 

While this book isn’t solely about finance it does go a long way to explaining the necessity of a growth mindset in terms of financial success. This book teaches the difference and the inevitable consequences of having a growth mindset or a fixed mindset in all elements of life including business, parenting, school and relationships. 

An absolute brilliant book that I highly recommend no matter what your interests are.







Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Rober T. Kiyosaki

I found many similarities between this book and Mindset in terms of the importance of a growth and abundance mindset when it comes to finance. 

This is a very easy read as the lessons it teaches are told through a brilliant story. The financial teachings are easy to understand and jargon free which is how I like to learn about finance.

A super read no matter what your level of personal financial knowledge is. 


More of my favourite books to follow…….

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My Top 10 Books of 2019

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Reading is one of my favourite things to do and one of my goals for 2019 (and previous years) was to read/listen to a book every 2 weeks – 26 books in total.  I have yet to reach this goal but came very close this year and enjoyed each book immensely. I love physical books but don’t have as much time as I would like to sit and read. This is where audio books come in and I have learned to love listening to them through Audible,

Here’s my Top 10 books for 2019 in no particular order, all of them I read previously which is an indication of how much I love them!

Extreme Ownership – Jocko Willink and Leif Babin

Extreme Ownership is one of the best books on leadership I have ever read. You can read my review of Extreme Ownership here,

Extreme Ownership Book Review

Most of us don’t work in the extreme conditions of war in Iraq where this book is based and so we may think that what Jocko and Leif learned on the battlefield wouldn’t apply to our daily lives – this is so far from the truth.

What I loved most about this book is the fact that the leadership lessons that Jocko and Leif share through their incredible experiences are so simple. With all the complications, complexities and dangers of war, the lessons shared are ones we can all learn from and use. I cannot recommend this book highly enough and if you’re a fan of audiobooks it’s narrated by the authors which is always a treat!

MindSet – Carol Dwecke

 An incredible book that gives us a simple yet effective explanation of the two types of mindset – a fixed mindset and a growth mindset. From decades of research in her field of psychology, Carol explains the different outcomes of having the different types of mindset. 

Guy Kawasaki’s review sums this book up – “If you manage people or are a parent (which is a form of managing people), drop everything and read Mindset.”—Guy Kawasaki (author of The Art of the Start 2.0). 

Here is an excellent article on the highlights of this book, thanks to Brain Pickings.

10% Happier – Dan Harris 

This is an insightful, uplifting and really funny book. In this book Dan Harris takes us through his journey to the top of his game which culminated in a nationally televised panic attack. The lifestyle changes Dan makes after this panic attack take him on a journey, a more inward journey that leads him to a  happier place. Dan’s upbeat, honest and humorous personality is what makes this book such a pleasure to read/listen to. 

The Soul Of Leadership – Deepak Chopra

A beautiful book by an incredible teacher, this book enables the reader to identify and develop their core values which in turn enables them to lead others to greatness through creativity, intelligence and organising power. This is an easy to read book jam packed with amazing insights. Everyone is a leader, whether you are leading yourself, your family or a company  and everything in between, this is a brilliant read. Deepak spells out the elements required to be an effective leader as follows, L = Look and Listen, E = Emotional Bonding, A = Awareness, D = Doing, E = Empowerment, R = Responsibility and S = Synchronicity.

The 7 Spiritual Laws Of Success – Deepak Chopra

Another beautiful book by Deepak Chopra, easy to read and a book you will want to visit again and again. Deepak’s insights and advice for success are so simple yet so powerful. There are the 7 Laws of Success outlined in Deepak’s book – The Law of Pure Potentiality, The Law of Giving, The Law of Karma, 
The Law of Least Effort, The Law of Intention and Desire, The Law of Detachment and The Law of Dharma

You can read more about these 7 laws here on Deepak’s website.

The Life Changing Magic Of Tidying Up –  Marie Kondo

I loved this book and have started to put it’s teaching into practise in our home. It’s a work in progress but it is totally worth the effort. A wonderful read for anyone who wants to banish clutter from their home (and mind) for good and spend less time tidying and organising!

The Power Of Now – Eckhart Tolle

I have lost count of the number of times I have read ‘The Power Of Now’. The first time I read this book I didn’t really understand it, however what I did understand was that there was a very powerful message in the book. Each subsequent reading has brought a deeper understanding of the simple principle that Eckhart teaches. There is only the ‘Now’, there never was and never will be anything other than the ‘Now’. A deep and powerful book – if this book sounds interesting to you, be prepared to give it the time it deserves. One of the best and most powerful books I have ever read. 

Social Intelligence – Daniel Goleman 

The author of Emotional Intelligence brings us through a new level of intelligence –  Social intelligence. A must read for anyone interested in human relationships and psychology. Here is what Amazon has to say about this remarkable book,

‘Far more than we are consciously aware, our daily encounters with parents, spouses, bosses, and even strangers shape our brains and affect cells throughout our bodies—down to the level of our genes—for good or ill. In Social Intelligence, Daniel Goleman explores an emerging new science with startling implications for our interpersonal world. Its most fundamental discovery: we are designed for sociability, constantly engaged in a “neural ballet” that connects us brain to brain with those around us.

Our reactions to others, and theirs to us, have a far-reaching biological impact, sending out cascades of hormones that regulate everything from our hearts to our immune systems, making good relationships act like vitamins—and bad relationships like poisons. We can “catch” other people’s emotions the way we catch a cold, and the consequences of isolation or relentless social stress can be life-shortening. Goleman explains the surprising accuracy of first impressions, the basis of charisma and emotional power, the complexity of sexual attraction, and how we detect lies.’ 

Platform (Get Noticed In A Noisy World) – Michael Hyatt

 Platform is an extremely well written book on building and sustaining an audience online. It is jam packed with excellent advice from a man who really knows what he is talking about. Michael Hyatt has spent most of his career in the publishing world and now runs his highly successful blog where he shares his knowledge and wisdom generously.

If you are a blogger, writer or any type of business owner and want to know more about growing your blog, readership and business through social media, I highly recommend this book. It’s easy to read and the wisdom shared is easy to implement. 

Money Master the Game – Tony Robbins

Tony is a master when it comes to finance and in this book, he not only shares his own wisdom but also leverages the wisdom of many of the world’s finest financial advisors to share their advice, insights and experience. Tony’s book is written in an easy to understand format for all levels of wealth which is why I liked it so much.  The spectrum of financial guidance goes from the simple advice of ‘spend less, save more’ to investment advice in stocks and shares and hiring a fiduciary to help you with same. For anyone like me who doesn’t know much about stocks and shares, the guidance from Tony on ‘spending less and saving more’ are reason enough to read this book.

Other books I enjoyed in 2019 were,

Lean In – Sheryl Sandberg

The Universe Has Your Back – Gabrielle Bernstein

The Seat of the Soul, The Mind of the Soul & The Heart of the Soul – Gary Zukav

The Freedom Plan – Natalie Sisson

 Alive at Work – Daniel M. Cable

Black Box Thinking – Matthew Syed

Power Moves – Adam Grant

The Man on the Mountain – Susan Trott

 The Untethered Soul – Michael A. Singer

What were your favourite books of 2019?

Any recommendations for 2020?

Thanks for reading,


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My Top 10 Books of 2017

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 Photo Credit – Thanks to Janko Ferlič from Unsplash

Reading is one of my favourite things to do and one of my goals for 2017 was to read/listen to a book every 2 weeks – 26 books in total for the year. I have set this same goal for the past few years and have yet to meet it!!!  With all great goals, it’s a matter of ploughing on and trying harder next year. In saying that I did manage to read/listen to 22 books and enjoyed each and every one immensely.

Extreme Ownership  (How U.S Navy SEALs Lead and Win) – Jocko Willink and Lieber Babin

This was by far my favourite book of 2017 and the best book on leadership I have read in a long time.

This is a story about how war can teach us the most valuable leadership lessons and how these leadership lessons can be used in all areas of our personal and professional lives.

Most of us don’t work in the extreme conditions of war in Iraq where this book is based and so we may think that what Jocko and Leif learned on the battlefield wouldn’t apply to our daily lives. This is so far from the truth.

What I loved most about this book is the fact that the leadership lessons that Jocko and Leif share through their incredible experiences are so simple. With all the complications, complexities and dangers of war, the lessons shared are ones we can all learn from and apply.

The leadership basics of solid, clear and consistent communication, keeping everything simple, effective teamwork, planning, planning and more planning, prioritisation, accountability and courage are woven into all of the fascinating true-life stories that Jocko and Leif tell.

I cannot recommend this book highly enough and if you’re a fan of audiobooks it’s narrated by the authors which is always a treat!


I Had To Survive (How a Plane Crash in the Andes Inspired My Calling to Save Lives) – Roberto Canessa

An incredible true story of survival, leadership, the strength of the human spirit and the will to live in the most difficult circumstances. A plane carrying a Uruguayan rugby team with friends and family crashes in the Andes in 1972. After living for  two months in the wreckage of the plane the only hope of survival is to cross the Andes to find help. This story is told by Roberto Canessa, one of the rugby players who trekked for 10 days across the Andes to raise the alarm, saving himself, his trekking partner Nando Parrado and 14 of their friends. Roberto Canessa went on to become a paediatric cardiologist saving the lives of newborns with heart complications throughout his esteemed career. A true hero, an incredible story and a magnificent read.  

The film documenting this incredible story and book of the same name ‘Alive’ are equally as enjoyable as Roberto’s book. 

Start with Why (How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action) – Simon Sinek

Simon Sinek is one of my favourite thought leaders. Simon’s Ted Talk is one of the most viewed videos on YouTube. This book is an excellent follow on from this video as it dives deeper into the necessity and benefits from knowing your ‘WHY’ and starting with your ‘WHY. You can watch the video here,

The Personal MBA (Master The Art Of Business) – Josh Kaufman

In his remarkable book, Josh outlines everything you need to know to succeed in life and business in an easy to understand, simplistic approach. Josh’s understanding of business, psychology and systems ensures you have a lot more than the basics required to succeed on completing this book. 

 If you’re looking for more books of a similar calibre, here is Josh’s personal recommendation of the best 99 business books.

The Personal MBA Recommended Reading List: The 99 Best Business Books

The Remedy (Bringing Lean Thinking Out of the Factory to Transform the Entire Organization) – Pascal Dennis

Pascal Dennis is one of my favourite Lean authors and Lean thought leaders.

Having read and loved the other 2 books in Pascal’s trilogy ‘Andy and Me’ and ‘Andy and me and the Hospital’ I knew I was in for a treat on reading ‘The Remedy’ and was not disappointed.

Keeping the two much loved characters of the other 2 books, Tom Pappas and Andy Saito and introducing us to Rachel Armstrong, this book tells an excellent story of how Lean can be implemented across an entire business and not just on the manufacturing floor.

A must read (as is ‘Andy and Me’ and ‘Andy and me and the Hospital’) for anyone in business and interested in Lean.


 Real Magic, The Power Of Intention, Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life – Dr Wayne Dyer (RIP)







I know this is 3 books but I have counted them as one as they are all from the same author. I am a huge fan of the late great Wayne Dyer and every single one of his books are as enjoyable as they are unique.

The following books also made it to my Top 10 in previous years, I have a habit of reading some great books time and time again, each reading bringing a deeper understanding of what the author is teaching,

Platform (Get Noticed In A Noisy World) – Michael Hyatt

I read ‘Platform’ a few times this year as I created, launched and marketed this new website. Platform is an extremely well written book on building and sustaining an audience online and jam packed with excellent advice from a man who really knows what he is talking about. Michael Hyatt has spent most of his career in the publishing world and now runs his highly successful blog where he shares his knowledge and wisdom generously.

If you are a blogger, writer or any type of business owner and want to know more about growing your blog, readership and business through social media, I highly recommend this book. It’s easy to read and the wisdom shared is easy to implement.

Money Master the Game (7 Simple Steps to Financial Freedom) – Tony Robbins

Tony is a master when it comes to finance and in this book he not only shares his own wisdom but also leverages the wisdom of many of the world’s finest financial advisors to share their advice, insights and experience. Tony’s book is written in an easy to understand format for all levels of wealth which is why I liked it so much.  The spectrum of financial guidance goes from the simple advice of ‘spend less, save more’ to investment advice in stocks and shares and hiring a fiduciary to help you with same.

For anyone like me who doesn’t know much about stocks and shares, the steps to assist with ‘spending less and saving more’ are reason enough to buy and read this book.


10% Happier (How I Tamed the Voice in My Head, Reduced Stress Without Losing My Edge, and Found Self-Help That Actually Works – A True Story) – Dan Harris  This is an insightful, uplifting and really funny book. In this book Dan Harris takes us through his journey to the top of his game in television and journalism which culminated in a nationally televised panic attack. The lifestyle changes Dan makes after this panic attack take him on a different journey, a more inward journey that leads him to a much happier place. Dan’s upbeat, honest and humorous personality is what makes this book such a pleasure to read.


 The Power of Now (A Guide To Spiritual Enlightenment) – Eckhart Tolle

I have lost count of the number of times I have read ‘The Power Of Now’. The first time I read this book I didn’t really understand it, however what I did understand was that there was a very powerful message in the book. Each subsequent reading has brought a deeper understanding of the simple principle that Eckhart teaches. There is only the ‘Now’, there never was and never will be anything other than the ‘Now’. A deep and powerful book – if this book sounds interesting to you, be prepared to give it the time it deserves. One of the best and most powerful books I have ever read.

Other books I read/listened to and thoroughly enjoyed in 2017 are,

 Linchpin – Seth Godin

Tribes – Seth Godin

The Dip – Seth Godin

Purple Cow – Seth Godin

The Icarus Deception – Seth Godin

Life’s Golden Ticket – Brendon Burchard

7 Habits Of Highly Effective People – Steven Covey

The Third Alternative – Steven Covey

In Bound Marketing – Brian Halligan and Dharmesh Shah

Story: Substance, Structure, Style, and the Principles of Screenwriting – Robert McKee

What were your favourite books of 2017?

What is on your reading list for 2018?

Keeping it Simple,


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