Tag Archives: Strategy

Making Decisions Before You Need To Make Them 

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Would you call yourself a GOOD DECISION MAKER?

How do you know if you are a GOOD DECISION MAKER?

You are a good decision maker if your decisions are yielding the results you want.

To a certain point, which is different for all of us, we make good quality decisions, promptly and with confidence.

These decisions yield the results we want and we move forward with our lives & work.

Past a certain point, which again is different for all of us, we make poor quality decisions, are slow to make these decisions and make them with less confidence.

These decisions do not yield the results we want and we don’t move forward with our lives & work.

In early 2021, I was making quality decisions, promptly and with confidence. These decisions yielded the results I wanted and I was moving forward with my life and work. As the year progressed and I took on more & more and became busier & busier, my decision making reduced in quality, became slower and I made decisions with a lot less confidence.

These decisions yielded the results I did not want and I wasn’t moving forward with my life & work.

In hindsight I realised I had DECISION FATIGUE!

DECISION FATIGUE is when the number of decisions we need to make outweighs the capacity we have to make them and we feel like we cannot make  even one more decision – even the simple everyday decisions become difficult!

How do you know if you have DECISION FATIGUE?

If you say YES to more than 3 of these, chances are you have DECISION FATIGUE!

  1. Do you find it hard to make decisions?
  2. Are you slow to make decisions?
  3. Are you less confident than normal in making decisions?
  4. Have you been making decisions that yield results you don’t want?
  5. Do you feel fatigued when making decisions?
  6. Is your to do list becoming unmanageable & overwhelming?

The antidote to having decision fatigue is making EXCELLENT DECISIONS.

Why would you want to make EXCELLENT DECISIONS?

  • Decisions you make will be made quicker
  • Decisions you make will be made with more confidence
  • Decisions you make will be aligned to your vision for your life & work
  • You will be more mindful & intentional in your life & work
  • You will be less frustrated & overwhelmed
  • You will be utilising and saving time, energy & focus
  • Will be saving and making more money

So, the million dollar question is HOW do you AVOID DECISION FATIGUE and MAKE EXCELLENT DECISIONS?




Strategy is one of my favourite things to do. 

If I were to sum up strategy in one word it would be DIRECTION!

Strategy whether it’s a personal or business strategy is all about having structure & systems that set your DIRECTION, support your desired DIRECTION and monitor progress towards your DIRECTION.

The following are the core elements of a stable strategy – Vision, Mission, Values, Goals, Metrics, Plans, Actions, Thinking, Learning, Improving, Reflection, Recognition & Celebration. 

When you have all of the above in your personal/business strategy, decision making becomes so QUICK, EASY & SIMPLE.

When faced with a decision, ask ‘Does this align with my strategy?’

If it does, then the answer is an ABSOLUTE YES.

If it doesn’t, then the answer is an ABSOLUTE NO. 

The above decisions are made when you create your strategy and plans at the beginning of the year, quarter, month, week and day hence,



From your strategy, you will be making annual, quarterly, monthly & weekly plans.

From your weekly plans you will be making DAILY PLANS.

Ideally you will create your daily plans the day before which means you are making decisions about what you are going to do BEFORE YOUR DAY EVEN STARTS!


Creating DAILY PLANS makes you focus on what is important and what absolutely has to get done the next day.

Everything else is a NO!

So that is a bit utopian, in that if it were that simple, DAILY PLANNING would be much more popular!

As well as DAILY PLANNING daily you will also need DAILY DISCIPLINE.

DAILY DISCIPLINE is the difference between keeping your daily plans and not keeping your daily plans.

Are you prioritising your DAILY PLANS & DAILY DISCIPLINE?



Decision making is more about what you say NO to than what you say YES to.

DAILY PLANS mean you have made decisions about what you want to do each and every day.

Effective decision making is saying NO to everything else.

I get it, saying NO to everything that isn’t on your daily plan might work in an ideal world, but we don’t live in an ideal world. We live in a messy, unpredictable, busy world, where plans working out exactly how we planned them are almost an exception to the norm!

Even so, learning to say NO is a game changing skill to master.

Not only will learning to say NO make you a more effective decision maker, it will protect your time, focus & energy enabling you to move closer to your personal & professional goals.

I have 3 tips for you in terms of practising the art of saying NO,

I. Treat NO as your default

Most of us have YES as our default. We may say YES to requests and then if we realise we really wanted to say NO, we figure out a way to reverse our decisions.

In terms of decision making, this is highly ineffective, causes us much stress and  means we are not being honest with ourselves and others. 

Wouldn’t it be more effective to say NO when you want to?

How could you make NO your default?

II. Treat NO as a muscle to strengthen

Practising the art of saying NO is like building a muscle – the more you use it, the more it grows and the stronger it gets.

The more you say NO, the easier saying NO becomes, the more confident you become at saying NO, the more you will see the immense benefits that saying NO can bring and the more you say NO, the more you and your boundaries will be respected.

The more you say NO, the stronger this muscle becomes and the more you will enjoy using it.

iii. Learn to say NO like a small child

Have you ever watched how small children say NO to things?

A small child’s NO is a clear NO – nothing and no-one will change their minds.They don’t feel the need to tell you why and they certainly aren’t apologising for their NO!

This is because small children know what they want and they don’t have all the baggage relating to the word NO that adults have.

How can you learn to say NO with the same confidence and clarity as a small child?

I wish you super success with your decision making so that your decisions result in the life & business you want!

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Thanks for reading,


x x

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Meeting Art and Understanding Lean

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Oprah calls it an ‘Aha’ moment – the moment when something falls into place, when the penny drops, when a lightbulb goes off in your brain and you understand something with an immense clarity that you previously didn’t have.

I experienced this ‘Aha’ moment over 6 years ago when Art Byrne delivered his keynote speech at the 2013 Lean Enterprise Academy Summit. As well as a great guy, Art is a powerhouse of Lean knowledge having lived Lean with it’s highs and lows for many decades. I have read Art’s wonderful book ‘The Lean Turnaround’ many times and knew I was in for something special as Art took to the stage.

My ‘Aha’ moment came in as short a time as 4 minutes into Art’s talk. I had always known that Lean enabled a better, more efficient, more inclusive way of working however after listening to and understanding Art’s simple explanation of Lean, the power of this methodology was finally clear to me. Key elements from these short 4 minutes of Art’s talk that helped me understand the power of Lean are as follows

  • Lean is not a bunch of tools
  • Lean is not a collection of projects or belts (Art in his fabulous honesty makes it clear that in running a business you are not running a karate class!!!)
  • Lean is ‘the biggest strategic business weapon you can ever have’  – a business being ‘a collection of people and processes trying to deliver value to a set of customers and always the best team wins’.
  • Lean is a growth strategy not a cost cutting strategy.

Art continued by explaining the key elements required to be successful at Lean which are having Lean and Operational Excellence are your core strategy, that Lean is led from the top and that people are transformed. Without these elements, Art explains very honestly,  failure will be the outcome!

As Art spoke about transforming people, he explained that people are the only asset you have that appreciates and you want them to keep appreciating, that you also need to respect your people because the best improvement ideas come from the people doing the work. To do this you need to create a learning environment where people are learning every day and are excited to come to work. This then becomes your culture, the way things are done around here – this is Lean.

Art summed up all of the above by simply saying –  Lean is a people thing!

[tweetthis]’Lean is a people thing’ Art Byrne[/tweetthis]

I met Art at one of the break out sessions. He was gracious, humble and generous with his time. I spoke with him around challenges I was having in implementing Lean in my role as I  did not have the influence of a CEO for Lean to ‘come from the top’. He smiled and gave me some of the best advice I have ever received. He said ‘be the CEO in your area’, excellent advice for anyone trying to make things better when it’s not coming from the top!

Art signed my copy of his book ‘The Lean Turnaround’ by using a popular phrase synonymous with Guinness – it was Art’s way of saying how much he loved Ireland and how much he respects Kaizen. And yes, I totally agree with him, Kaizen is good for you!!!!

I left the 2103 Lean Enterprise Academy Summit energetic, enthused and looking forward to the next steps on my Lean journey.

Over 6 years later my Lean journey continues to experience highs and lows, I’m happy to say more highs than lows these days and always, always learning lessons which is at the core of what Lean is about – continuous learning!

Thanks for reading,

Keeping it Simple,


x x x



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