Tag Archives: 2021 Learnings

21 Lessons Learned in 2021

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I love looking back, reflecting on and learning from what has gone by, then using these learnings to create positive change in my life. 2021 was a year of many lessons learned, some harder than previous years but all very valuable. 

When you start to treat both wins & challenges as lessons learned, life’s ups and downs become wondrous and exciting and even the challenging times seem to have a sparkly silver lining! 

Here is 21 of my favourite lessons learned from 2021, 

  1. Time with loved ones is the most precious gift
  2. Our most important relationship is with ourselves
  3. The only person who defines our value & our worth is ourselves
  4. People are amazing, that includes YOU!
  5. Health is wealth
  6. Money cannot buy health but health is required to make money (read that again)
  7. Abundance is not just about money – it is about love, health, time, freedom and everything else important that money can’t buy 
  8. You need a vision to give you direction in life & business – no vision, no direction, no progress
  9. Where & with who we spend our time & energy directly impacts our mental, physical, emotional & spiritual health
  10. Everyone needs support and everyone deserves to be supported 
  11. Loving who you are and loving what you do is the key to inner happiness & contentment 
  12.  Burnout and boreout are very real & very damaging
  13. To create a new version of ourselves, we need to let go of the old version
  14. For introverts, solitude is just as important as oxygen
  15.  We are the authors of our own story – no-one else holds the pen
  16.  How we spend our energy is just as important as how we spend our time
  17.  No growth occurs in the comfort of our comfort zones
  18.  Everyone has challenges that most people know nothing about
  19.  Acceptance of challenging times goes a long way to overcoming them
  20.  Everything is on time and in perfect time
  21. Florence & The Machine were spot on – ‘It’s always darkest before the dawn’!

What lessons did you learn in 2021? 

How will these learnings support you in 2022? 

I’d love to know what you learned in 2021, comment below or share with me on social. 

I hope that whatever 2021 brought you, you can build on & learn from it to make 2022 your best year ever.

May 2022 bring you and your loved ones health, happiness, peace & prosperity.

Thanks for reading, stay safe,


x x

Below is a list of blog posts designed to support you with your Annual Review, you can download your ‘Annual Review Workbook’ below also. ​​

5 Steps To Your Annual Review

Get SERIOUS about your Intentions and Goals for 2022

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