Tag Archives: Where Are You?

Where Are You – in colour?

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Following on from my blog post Where Are You, here’s a very simple way of visualising where you are in every area of your life.

I love visuals and colour which is why I love visualising where I am in life through colour.

The above image is a scale that is widely used for mental health evaluation. You can use this for your Wheel of Life which will give you an effective snapshot of how you are functioning in all areas of your life.

You simply assign the appropriate heading and corresponding colour to each area of your life.

Not only will this give you a very colourful Wheel of Life, it will also highlight the areas of your life that require the most attention.

Of course we’d all love to be thriving and excelling in all areas of our lives but that’s just not realistic.

Life doesn’t work like that.

There is always some challenges, some struggles, some obstacles to be overcome.

My goal isn’t to be excelling and thriving in all areas. I just want to stay out of crisis mode and if I find myself there, that I move out of it as quickly as possible.

I also don’t want to be struggling in any area for too long.

Life’s inevitable ups and downs means we will be in crisis, we will struggle, we will just be surviving in some areas – the magic is how we deal with life when we find ourselves in these places.

It’s most likely that your Wheel of Life will have a mixture of all colours, you more than likely will be thriving in some areas and struggling in others.

When you have assigned colours to all areas of your life, your Wheel of Life may look something like this. 

No matter where you are, it is just your starting point.

Where you go depends on your goals and how much work you put into them.

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Where Are You?

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If I asked you WHERE ARE YOU what would you say? 

Is the first thing you think of your physical location?

What if I rephrased the question and asked,


Now that’s a totally different question and will have a totally different answer.

In the Lean world we refer to this as the CURRENT STATE.

If you were planning a physical journey you would first need to know where you are planning that journey from in order to get where you are going!

The same principle applies in goal setting – before we set our goals we must first know where we are starting from – we must know our CURRENT STATE.


Below are 4 simple steps to evaluate WHERE YOU ARE and what your CURRENT STATE is in each area of your life. 


Divide your life into categories. Categorising your life makes it easier to set goals and also easier to make progress on these goals.

I use the Wheel of Life to categorise my life – the categories of my life are Sense of Self, Health, Relationships, Finance, Work, Experiences/Fun, Environment & Contribution. You can use my Wheel of Life or create your own to create categories for your life.



Go through each category in your Wheel of Life and answer the question,


What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you think about this area of your life? 

  • If one area of your life is going super and you don’t feel the need to change – acknowledge that and be proud of yourself.
  • If an area of your life is a mess or isn’t what you want it to be – acknowledgment and acceptance of that is the first step to change.



Go through each category in your Wheel of Life and answer the question,


This is about what you like in each area of your life.

What brings you joy? 

What makes you happy? 

What makes you smile?


​STEP 4:

Go through each category in your Wheel of Life and answer the question,


This is about what you don’t like in each area of your life.

What doesn’t bring you joy? 

What doesn’t make you happy? 

What doesn’t make you smile?


All of the answers above are your CURRENT STATE at this moment.

Where you will be at the end of 2024 will be determined by the goals you work towards 😊

What will be different for you in 2024?

How far will you move from your CURRENT STATE?


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