Tag Archives: Happiness

The Speed of Life

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At what speed do you live your life?

We can probably generalise and say we live a slow paced, easy going life or we live a fast paced, hectic life.

We may be somewhere in between.

A better question to ask would be,

At what speed do you want to live your life?

Here’s some astrophysics that explains how fast we are all travelling,

1.The earth rotates on its own axis making one complete rotation every 24 hours which gives us night and day.

This happens at about 1,037 miles per hour. 

2.The earth revolves around the Sun making one complete rotation every 365 days which is one year. 

This happens at about 67,000 miles per hour.

3.The Sun, Earth, and our entire Solar System are orbiting the centre of our Milky Way.

This happens at about 500,000 miles per hour

4.Our Galaxy, the Milky Way moves in space relative to other galaxies

This happens at about 1.3 million miles per hour. 

That’s enough speed to make us very dizzy! 

I’m no astrophysicist and so I don’t know if you add up or multiply all of the above to get our exact speed but we are moving VERY VERY FAST! Here’s a really good article that explains this speed much better than I can – How fast is earth moving?

For me this is plenty speed – I don’t want to live my life any faster than this.

In the last 3 decades of my life I lived my life at a fast paced and hectic speed.

A few years ago this speed started to become less enjoyable.

It felt too fast.

It felt like I was speeding my way through life and not taking enough notice of the preciousness and awe of life.

Then I slowed down.

I left my job without another, I streamlined my responsibilities & commitments, I removed myself from everything that no longer interested me – I just slowed down.

This slower speed,

  • felt better
  • felt right
  • brought more joy
  • brought more enjoyment
  • brought more happiness
  • brought more peace

Part of my goals for this year and beyond is to continue living life at this slow paced, joyful, happy and peaceful speed.

  • What speed do you live your life at?
  • Do you want to live your life at a slower or faster speed?

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The JOY of solitude

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Have you done Mel Robbins exercise yet?

Basically it’s an exercise to see where you can bring more HAPPINESS & JOY into your life. if you missed my blog post you can read the blog post here ‘What brings you JOY and what fills YOUR days’.

What’s your relationship with solitude?

Do you like spending time alone?

There will no doubt be two camps who answer this question very differently.

The introverts will say YES.

The extroverts will say? I don’t know what the extroverts will say, maybe you can tell me?

I know introverts will say YES as I am an introvert and one of my favourite things to do is spend time alone, solitude brings me much JOY.

Why does solitude bring me JOY?

Firstly, being an introvert solitude is how I recharge my batteries. Solitude is how I gain enough energy to be able to function when in other people’s company. Time in solitude for introverts is just as important as oxygen is!

Solitude gives me time to think. I have a very active mind (doesn’t everyone 🤔) and I need time alone to process things and clear my head.

I don’t know what the extroverts will say – that’s why I’m asking the question?

Whether you are an introvert or an extrovert, do you like spending time in solitude?

Do you find JOY in solitude?

Whether you are an introvert or an extrovert, much can be learned about yourself or the introverts in your life from Susan Cain’s brilliant book ‘Quiet’.

I’d love to know your thoughts.

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What brings YOU joy and what fills YOUR days?

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I recently heard Mel Robbins talk about how to find the happiness you once had. 

Mel suggests you make two lists.

  • The first list is what brings you joy or what were you doing at a happier time in your life?
  • The second list is how do you currently spend your days?

You then compare the lists to see if your days are filled with what makes you happy and joyful or not!

If these lists align then great – you already have happy & joyful days.

If these lists don’t align you need to align them to bring more happiness & joy into your life.

Sounds simple right?

I followed Mel’s advice and made 2 lists.

What makes me happy & joyful or what was I doing at a happier time in my life?

That’s an easy list to make – time with loved ones, time alone, reading, writing, creating, learning, travelling, photography, exercise & relaxing.

Are my days filled with these activities?

The honest answer is not as much as I would like.

If I could spend my time doing all of the above my life would not just be joyful, it would be blissful! 

This tells me it’s time to make changes.

Ironically what used to bring me immense joy and made up most of my time before was work.

Work no longer brings me the joy it used to which highlights where we find joy can change as we grow and evolve.

I do want to work again in the future but it will be very different to how I worked before. 

  • What brings you happiness & joy or what were you doing at a happier time in your life?
  • How do you currently spend your days?
  • Are your lists aligned?

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Is Your Life & Work In Flow?

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Image Credit: The Internet

Have you heard of the concept of flow?

Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi was a Hungarian-American psychologist who passed away on 20th October 2021. I’ve been aware of his work for ages and have become fascinated by the concept of flow. 

‘In his best selling book ‘Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience’ Csíkszentmihályi outlined his theory that people are happiest when they are in a state of flow—a state of concentration or complete absorption with the activity at hand and the situation. Flow is a state in which people are so involved in an activity that nothing else seems to matter. The idea of flow is identical to the feeling of being in the zone or in the groove. The flow state is an optimal state of intrinsic motivation, where the person is fully immersed in what they are doing. This is a feeling everyone has at times, characterised by a feeling of great absorption, engagement, fulfillment, and skill and during which temporal concerns (time, food, ego-self, etc.) are typically ignored.’  Wikipedia

Doesn’t flow sound great?

You know that feeling when you are doing something or working on something and absolutely nothing else matters. You are in a world of your own and you could keep doing the activity or work forever and it would never get boring or dull? 

This is FLOW.

It would make sense that we would want to spend as much time as possible in our personal & professional lives in a state of flow which Mihaly explains is a necessity for our happiness and well being. 

Below is Mihaly’s model of flow in relation to challenge and ability. 

‘To achieve a flow state, a balance must be struck between the challenge of the task and the skill of the performer. If the task is too easy or too difficult, flow cannot occur as both skill level and challenge level must be matched and high; if skill and challenge are low and matched, then apathy results.’ Wikipedia

How important is this model in terms of our personal and professional lives?

It is a quick and simple explanation of what we feel when we are either challenged too much or too little and what we feel when we possess or do not possess skills & abilities required to meet these challenges. 

How helpful would this be in terms of happiness in our personal and professional lives? 

What it does show is that to be happy, confident, contented & focused you need to be continuously challenged and continuously growing your skillset to match those challenges. 

Fascinating eh?

Here are two amazing Ted Talks from the late, great Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi.

As well as explaining flow, in the video below, Mihaly also talks about the relationship between happiness & money and how it’s not a linear relationship meaning that gaining more and more money past a certain point will not bring you happiness!

TED Talk – Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi – Flow – 2004

In this Ted Talk, Mihaly goes deeper into the relationship between happiness and flow. 

Living in flow – the secret of happiness with Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi at Happiness & Its Causes 2014

Lean philosophy is all about growth of people in the workplace to ensure growth of business. There wouldn’t be much growth of people or business if everyone were anxious, worried, apathetic or bored! 

Hence the necessity to prioritise people’s skill development and challenge to match.  

This ensures your workforce are alert, focused, happy, confident and contented. All necessities for people & business growth.

I’m in flow when I spend time with family & friends or when I am writing, reading, creating content, teaching, learning/researching, exercising, traveling, taking/editing photos. Not surprising then that these are my passions in life. 

When are you in flow?

Is your work/business in flow?

How can you bring more flow into your life?

Here’s to more flow in all of our lives!

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Is What You Think, Say & Do Aligned?

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Mahatma Gandhi is well renowned for his deep wisdom and I just love his quote,

“Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.”

Is what you THINK, SAY & DO in harmony?

This is a very simple question but takes some deep thought to answer.



Of course this is a difficult place to get to at all times but even being aware of the relationship between what you THINK, SAY & DO is a step closer to happiness. 

Here’s where unhappiness creeps in.

When we don’t say what we think, we bottle it up. 

This not only causes discord within us but can cause discord with others as we aren’t SPEAKING OUR TRUTH.

When we don’t behave aligned with what we say, we are giving off mixed signals. Again, this not only causes discord within us but can cause discord with others as we are not LIVING OUR TRUTH.

If we do the above for long enough what we THINK, SAY & DO becomes misaligned resulting in  deep happiness. 

I’m sure Mahatma Gandhi didn’t mean that we tell everyone our each and every thought. 

The interpretation I take from his quote, is more around being true to ourselves in our being.

That we are THINKING, SAYING & DOING aligned to our values and to who we are at our core. That we are speaking up for ourselves and what we believe in, that we are striving to be the very best version of ourselves that we can be.

 I am at my unhappiest when what I THINK, SAY & DO are out of alignment and at my happiest when what I THINK, SAY & DO are aligned as much as possible. 

Is what you THINK, SAY & DO aligned & in harmony?

How can you achieve more alignment in what you THINK, SAY & DO?

Here’s a super video on the power of truth telling. 

The Power of Truth Telling | Christine Carter | TEDxThacherSchool

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Download your free e-book ‘The A-Z of Effective Change’ below.

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