Tag Archives: Respect


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Thanks to the brilliant Andy Kefford for the above image

Respect for yourself and others is a critical ingredient for lasting business and personal relationships. Without respect in relationships you will always be on shaky ground and making sustainable positive changes will continuously be an uphill struggle.

Respect and the importance of respect can mean something different for everyone and so you need to figure out what respect means and how important it is to you.

What does it mean to have self-respect in your personal and professional relationships?

What respect do you give and want from others in your personal and professional relationships?

What are your boundaries in terms of this respect?

To have respect for others you first must have respect for yourself. Just like Pinky in the image above, he must first have his respect t-shirt on before he can give respect t-shirts to his friends.

Respect for yourself will ensure that situations you find yourself in are healthy for you and healthy for others and that decisions you make are based on a very solid foundation. If a situation is not healthy for you or you find your boundaries are being compromised, your internal self-respect compass will give you the strength and courage to face these situations and determine next steps.

Giving respect to others shows you value them which makes personal and professional relationships strong and enduring. in times of change relationships built on mutual respect will stand the test of time.  

Give respect to those close to you and there is no surer thing but it will be reciprocated!

‘One of the most sincere forms of respect is actually listening to what another has to say’ 

Bryant H. McGill

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